Club History
How it all began:
At the beginning of the 1970s, a group of Cocker Spaniel enthusiasts decided that a breed club should be set up for the "parti-coloureds". At that time, there were already two solid breed clubs until their de-registration and amalgamation to form the Solid Colours Cocker Spaniel Association of today. Such a notion and move forward was not welcomed by everybody and after much discussion on the formation, The Parti-Coloured Cocker Spaniel Club became registered with The Kennel Club on 1st September 1971 and the Club came into being with the following officers at the helm:
Chairman: Mr Roy Blythe
Vice-Chairmen: Mr Dennis Worrall and Mr Stan Baldwin
Secretary: Mrs Margaret Phillips, assisted by Miss Thelma Dulley,
Treasurer: Miss Jo Walker
Joint Presidents: Mr Freddie and Mrs Bertha Mathews
There was a large committee of 18 members.
The first Open Show for the newly formed Club was held on the 19th February 1972 at the North End Working Men's Club in Eccleshall Road, Stafford, and the judge for this inaugural show was honoured to Mrs Kay Gold of the famous Oxshott kennels. There were 20 classes and a total of 107 dogs entered, with Best in Show being awarded to Mrs Dillys Schofield's Ch Scolys Starduster and Reserve Best in Show to Lt Cdr Howard and Mrs Joy Blake's Sh Ch Cochise Circe.
The Club's second Open Show in that year was held on 26th August in the southern region at Parkside Hall, Ampthill in Bedfordshire, the judge being Mr George Dance of the old established Cartref Cocker Spaniels. It was at this show that a brace class had been added to the classification making a total of 21 classes with an entry of 79 dogs for this show.
In 1973 the Club increased their calendar activities to hold three Open Shows and these shows were spread around the country in Stafford, Doncaster and St Albans. This format of holding shows in the northern, southern and central regions of the country continued for a number of years. Also in this year Mrs Gold was appointed as Patron of the Club.
By the end of 1974, there had been changes of officers with Mrs Nora Browne taking over as Secretary and Miss Thelma Dulley changing position to Treasurer, there now being no position of Assistant Secretary.
Upwards and onwards:
After 15 years successful running of Open Shows and with a great deal of persistence, the Club applied for Championship status, the application was granted by The Kennel Club and our first Championship Show of 36 classes was held at Groby Community College, Leicestershire on 18 February 1989 – obviously the entries for competing to Challenge Certificates was open to ALL colours of the breed. The judging appointments at this inaugural Championship Show were honoured to Mrs Jackie Marris-Bray (Helenwood) judging Dogs and Mrs Anne Webster (Asquannes) judging Bitches, the Referee was Mr Dennis Worrall (Hobmoor). There was a total of 279 dogs entered, consisting of 116 dogs and 163 bitches. The Challenge Certificates on the day were awarded to: Dog CC – Mr D & Mrs C Bowkis' Bowiskey Boy Blue, Res DCC – Mr K & Mrs A Holmes' Kenan Rik-O-Shea; Bitch CC – Miss D Lumley's Jimmison Sunfizz, Res BCC – Mr R & Mrs A Richardson's Sh Ch Remola Zola at Dearnewood. Best of Breed was passed over to the Referee's decision and awarded to the Bitch CC winner. Reserve Best in Show was awarded to the Dog CC winner which was also the Best Puppy Dog and Best Puppy in Show. Best Puppy Bitch was awarded to Mr D & Mrs S Telford's Courtmaster Maid in Japan. There was no Veteran class at this Championship Show.
From then on the Club's Championship shows were held annually in February up until 1993, when the supply of Kennel Club Challenge Certificates for our breed forced regional breed clubs to hold a Championship Show on a rotational system, thereby each regional breed club (with the exception of London Cocker Spaniel Society, Cocker Spaniel Club of Scotland, South Wales & Monmouthshire Cocker Spaniel Club) were to hold a Championship Show in or near to the same monthly date bi-annually. Of course, The Cocker Spaniel Club, as the parent breed club was excluded from the KC rotation of CCs and continues holding their annual Championship Show in July at Malvern. From 1995 onwards The Parti-Coloured Cocker Spaniel Club rotated the Championship Show status bi-annually with Home Counties C.S.C, holding the show in February, dependent upon there being no clash of other breed club show dates and venue availability. The club's Championship Show is one of the first few breed club events in the year and in advance of the world's most renowned annual dog show "CRUFTS" it proves to be a popular "wakening breed show event" after the wintery months for exhibitors to compete with their Cocker Spaniels from the age of six months upwards.
Over the ensuing years there have, of course, been many changes in the election of officers and committee – as detailed in the History of Officers – and in the late 1990's due to the dwindling numbers of show entries, the Club's committee decided to reduce the number of shows from three to two per year with the cessation of the "Summer" Open Show after 1995 and from thereon to the present day, the Club's shows are held in February and October/November each year.