Parti-Coloured Cocker Spaniel Club

Club Membership

The Parti-Coloured Cocker Spaniel Club is always keen to welcome new members/exhibitors of our Breed.

It is necessary for you to download and complete a membership form and post it to our Secretary, along with your appropriate subscription fee, with a cheque/postal order being made payable in Sterling to:

"The Parti-Coloured Cocker Spaniel Club"

Annual Membership Fees: £3.00 Single; £4.00 Joint
(membership subscriptions due for renewal on January 1st each year)

Membership Form (PDF file)

NB: To download the above file onto your computer, right click and select "Save Target As.." (for Internet Explorer) or "Save Link As.." (for Mozilla Firefox) and then choose where you want to save the file before clicking on "Save".

NB: To read PDF files, you will need Adobe Reader. To download a free copy of this program, click on the icon below

Get Adobe Reader

Send completed membership forms to:
Mrs G Pearce-Gudger, 3 Oak Cottages, Oak Lane, Allesley, Coventry CV5 9DA.
Tel: 024 7640 3453
