Parti-Coloured Cocker Spaniel Club

Working Cockers In Action

As previous mentioned, the Cocker Spaniel is a popular gundog – it is an active, good-natured, sporting dog, whether the type is of show or working strain.

A group of Working Cockers
photo by Pateman

The Working Cocker is bred for a purpose and whatever the duty the Working Cocker is suited to, this strain enjoys an active lifestyle, as can be seen in the following photos of WORKING COCKERS IN ACTION.

AS A GUNDOG: Hunting/flushing and retrieving game. The Working Cocker will be keen and fearless to work amongst or go in to thick cover to flush out game birds or ground game and will emerge proudly with a retrieve of live or dead game to his master, whether it be on land or from water; an ideal gundog that is an enthusiastic hunter and being a small size, allows the working cocker to easily access undergrowth so it can methodically hunt/retrieve and give so much to his uses.

Working Cocker carrying pheasant  Working in water
photos courtesy of Pateman (left) and Raezhaven Gundogs (right)

AS AN AGILITY DOG: Not only in country sporting activities are Working Cockers active, they are also seen taking part in canine sporting events, such as agility; they can be fairly easily to train for the course, and be fast and accurate:

Max enjoying agility   Max enjoying agility
Max, a Working Cocker enjoying agility

AS AN ASSISTANT DOG: Working Cockers also excel in other areas as assistant dogs within organisations, such as Hearing Dogs for Deaf People and Dogs For The Disabled. These organisations have trained Working Cockers to aid or assist people with varying disabilities.

Working Cocker as a Hearing Dog For The Deaf   Working Cocker in training as a Dog For The Disabled
Photos courtesy of Hearing Dogs For Deaf People (left) and Raezhaven Gundogs (right)

AS A SNIFFER DOG: Working Cockers are also becoming popular in security or government services and excel themselves in the duty as a sniffer dog that are trained to effectively detect drugs, explosives, cash and firearms. The Working Cocker is ideal for this purpose as they are a smaller size breed of spaniel and are able to easily access in or over obstacles where they are commanded to detect substances in and around properties and/or vehicles.

Met Officer Bob with Working Cocker Police Dog Jake
Jake: Friends For Life Nominee 2011
Photo courtesy of The Kennel Club Picture Library ©

Dog handler, Bob and his dog Jake (see photo above) - the Working Cocker Spaniel and Metropolitan Police Dog helped to keep people free from further harm after the 7/7 London bombings. He risked his life to search the bus wreckage at Tavistock Square and the mile-long route from Russell Square to the bomb-damaged train at Kings Cross, ensuring that the area was safe for paramedics and explosives officers.

A charity organisation, Cancer and Bio-detection Dogs, use working cockers that are taught scent discrimination to identify cancerous odours and other medical alert detection; working cockers are suitable for this type of work because they have high drive and are relatively easy to train.